You’re My Best Friend

This title refers to two things: 1) my favorite Queen song (and perhaps my favorite song of all), and 2) my dog, Valentino, whom I consider my best friend.

Last night as I was updating my iphone, I realized that most of available memory was being used up by my photos. Now, I usually upload my photos via my photostream onto an album on both my computer and google plus account, so I don’t necessarily need all of  my photos on my phone. So I managed to trim down my photo count from about 1500 to just over 700. (It’s a process!). Of those 700, I realized that, easily, 500 of those were photos of my dog. That’s a lot. To take this obsession a bit further, I realized that about 1/3 of those photos are repeats. You see, I have this habit of scrolling through my photos and looking at ones of my dog when I’m bored, stressed out, can’t sleep, waiting in line for coffee, etc. While scrolling through these photos, sometimes I come across a particularly cute picture from several months/years ago that I really like, so I take a screenshot of it. That way I’ll have a copy of the photo in the front of the picture queue. Yah, I know…

Needless to say, I think the above paragraph encapsulates why this journal entry by Neil Gaiman struck such a chord with me. I completely understand where this fellow is coming from. My dog is more than a pet; he is my confidante, partner in crime, and best reason to get up in the morning (especially when the sun is barely up, the tile is freezing and I can’t find my slippers – he probably hid them under my bed or in his kennel, and my dog insists on going outside…not to pee, but to sniff around for 5 minutes while I jump around in a lame attempt to stay warm). I love him dearly. Enough so that he compromises 70% of my photo library. (In case you were wondering, the rest is made up of food, pictures of my outfit/hair to send to my sister for her approval/opinion, pictures of the beach, and pictures of my boyfriend…usually with my dog sitting next to him.)

Best friends help each other with yard work….or not.

I know I express my love for my dog on this blog fairly often, but I couldn’t resist adding another instance today. I’m sure fellow pet owners understand.

Let’s Not Get Crazy

BUT…if the Mayans were correct, I’m grateful that these are how I’m spending my last days.

Whatever you are doing this Season, I wish you peace.

And remember, you only live once. So don’t skimp on the eggnog!

Fall Has Arrived

And all I want to do is shop for for portable air conditioners on Amazon.

Honestly, San Diego has near-perfect weather 98% of the time. It’s that 2% that can be unbearable. Especially since a lot of homes (aka MINE) do not have air conditioning.

Luckily, this has not stopped me from ordering a venti pumpkin spice latte (two pumps only, please!). Turns out, I think they’re too sweet! I think I’ll stick to my caffe mistos. The takeaway point is that it may be hot as hell here, but I’m going to drink my hot caffeinated beverage anyway. Rebel!

In other news, I’m sporting a new accessory.



That would be a splint for my FRACTURED WRIST. My clumsiness knows no limit. Does anyone else relate to this?

I realize that there is a lot of complaining going on here. But my state of mind couldn’t be further from the truth. In less than two weeks my little sister is getting married. In Charleston, South Carolina. I am so excited about both of these things – my sister’s impending nuptials and my impending trip to Charleston.

I also recently gave my dog, Valentino, a bath.


He looks miserable. But at it was momentary. I promise. And he DOESN’T SMELL LIKE BUTT. We all win here. I promise. (Please don’t judge me on the state of my bathroom, I was putting off a deep clean until post-bath!)

Things are definitely good around here.

Important question: has anyone tried the salted caramel drink at Starbucks? I’m intrigued!

Those Dog Days Of Summer

Are over.


I think we can all agree that the Labor Day weekend marks the end of summer. Wonder what is in store for fall….

Living La Vida Loca…Or Not

I haven’t really been up to anything the past few days. I haven’t cooked anything (but I think I’m finally getting the itch to experiment in the kitchen this week), I haven’t done or gone anywhere particularly exciting. I’ve just kind of been.

Here’s a few things that have taken up my non-work time:

New hair color. The blond is gone. I feel serious and smart.

Okay, maybe not serious.

I’ve been eating these by the handful:

They are so delicious.

I’ve been painting my nails:

Listening to rad music:

And I’ve been hanging with this happy fellow:

I’ve also gotten back into a proper running schedule. This makes me all kinds of happy.

Here’s to a week full of good food and exciting events. Or not. Life is grand.

Playing That Funky Music

Usually I prefers my funk in the form of music. But this week? I’m straight up in a funk. Womp womp.

After spending a lovely, and I mean lovely, weekend with my dad and brother, I’ve found myself smack dab in a rut. Back to worrying about how I’m going to pay for rent x2 next month (current roommate is moving out in a few days, new roommate isn’t moving in for several weeks), how I’m going to handle the not-so-big-deal-but-still-sucks situation of having my car wrecked this week, how I can’t seem to shed those 5lbs that have crept up this year despite running and eating pretty healthy about 80% of the time (is it really that 20% that’s holding me back?!) , how my dog prefers the company of my boyfriend who is at my house maybe once a week, or how when I finally dress up, do my hair, put some makeup on nobody notices. I could go on, but you have probably maxed out your ability to roll your eyes further upwards into your head.

Okay. So I’m not homeless. I’m clearly not going hungry. I do have a car (held precariously together by duct tape, but still running!), and I have a loving family that would fly out in a second to be with me should I make the call. All in all, I’m not doing so bad.

But sometimes, a girl just has to vent. And despite what they tell ya, sometimes the dog just doesn’t cut it. (I swear he’s going through some teenage doggy stage where he is to cool for school to hang out with his human mom. Kids!)

On the plus side, it’s Wednesday and the weekend is fast approaching.

It’s a hard knock life, yo.

Puppy Love

I am not ashamed at all to admit that I spend a great deal of my disposable income on my dog.

That would be Valentino with his new (zebra print!) bed, new stuffed duck, new dog mat for his bowls so they don’t slide around and his favorite rope. What you don’t see is that on the table just out of sight are a pack of new rawhides, his favorite dog treats, a meaty bone and another squeaky toy.

But honestly, he deserves it. He is there to greet me every single time I come home, he sleeps at the foot of my bed, and he makes me laugh like nothing else does. This week he has been an especially great source of comfort. I’ve been anxious about something, so much so that I haven’t been sleeping and I’ve been making myself sick over it. I’m sure it’ll end up being fine, but I am a worrier. I don’t really see my boyfriend except for the weekends (he works a lot, plays sports several times a week, etc), so it’s me and the pup Monday-Friday, save the ocassional happy hour. And honestly, if it weren’t for him I’d be on the couch in my pajamas watching Bridget Jones and throwing a serious pity party. Instead, I’ve been eating some seriously good food, re-watching Downton Abbey (so good!), and enjoying a glass of wine….in my pajamas. And Valentino has been there every second. He’s kind of amazing.

Oh yah, before I forget – HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAUREN!!! Every hour spent with you is a joy!

Next time we go out I promise to wear make-up 😉

On Animal Behavior

I’m no dog whisperer, but I do enjoy learning about dogs. Especially the dearest dog of all, my Valentino. Now, I’ll be the first to admit he’s a bit quirky. It’s most likely the result of spending so much time with me. Go figure.

For the most part, his behavior falls into line with that of normal canine behavior. For example, he doesn’t eat out of his bowl. Instead he takes a huge mouthful of kibble and runs to a corner of the house and eats it there. I’m constantly finding little piles of kibble hidden behind curtains or under pillow cushions. This is actually very similar to how wolves act in the wild and it’s pretty harmless, so I let him do it. Besides, I wouldn’t really know how to stop it.

But his newest thing? He’s started decorating his kennel.

That would be his kennel (which he loves!) , with is newly acquired red balloon and dark green throw pillow. I’ve removed both objects twice today and they keep popping back in. He’s determined to, as my sister said, make a house a home. It’s a little strange. And dare I say, adorable? Please Note: he does not attempt to play or pop the balloon. He just likes to look at it (?).

Anyone else have some funny animals?


All Snuggled Up

This weekend was lovely.




And scarves.

Scarves for everyone.

I’ll Have What He’s Having

This is how Valentino lays about. Always.


Just chilling

I think I’m going to follow his cue this weekend and make it one of leisure.

Leisure translates into yoga pants and slippers, yes?