Things I Like Right Now: Summer Edition

Summer is in full swing and I can’t help but smile. Constantly. (Maybe it has something to do with the champagne?)

So since I’m in such a smiley mood I thought I’d share a few things I’m liking right now.


Crisp whites, royal cameos, epic tennis. I love Wimbledon. It’s easily my favorite tournament of the year. I’m so sad Fed is out of the running this go around! Something about his look just screams Wimbledon to me.

Does that not personify the All-England Club?

Reminder: Must wash white pants.


Why must brunch be relegated to Sundays? So uncivilized…

Aussie 3 Minute Miracle

I recently rediscovered this gem. My mom used to buy this when I was young and I distinctly remember that around bath time you could here my sister chanting “Aussie 3 minute miracle!” over and over. I guess it was that great. It still is. After just a few uses it’s managed to transform my straw-like hair into shiny, untangled locks. Nice.


I am 5 feet tall. I love wedges.

Cucumber sandwiches

Peanut butter and jelly are fine. But if you really want something light and refreshing, do yourself a favor and snack on one of these.


That’s right: bread, butter (don’t skimp!) and sliced cucumbers. That’s it.

Insider tip: It tastes better if you cut the sandwich into triangles!



Confession: I used to HATE sunflowers. I blame Elizabeth Arden. I think somewhere in my early teens I came upon a bottle of that perfume, or someone I know did, and it’s artificial, super sweet scent put me off of those darling, happy flowers. Luckily, today I can appreciate the simplicity of a few of these stems in a simple vase. They’re also ridiculously cheap right now.

Jergens Natural Glow Firming Lotion

In an effort to practice safe sunning, I’m trying to depend less on laying out and more on this. The smell is a little strong, but after two applications I’ve noticed a nice tan develop on my legs and it’s NOT orange. For $6 I think it’s worth a try. It also says it’s “firming.” Not sure about that, but couldn’t hurt….

Laughing Cow

To be perfectly honest, I’m ALWAYS obsessed with these.

So tell me, what are you liking right now?

Champagne Makes Everything Better

This past weekend was one I really, really wished wouldn’t have ended. It wasn’t anything extraordinary, per se. Just a few small moments, one after the other, that when combined added up to a lovely weekend. (We’re talking sushi, discovering a new dive bar, bbq, bonfire…you know, the uge)

Sunday in particular was quite nice.

Any morning that begins with pastries and champagne is alright by me.

Calamari and oysters ain’t half bad either. (Confession: did not partake in the oysters…)

But the Pièce de résistance?

Crabcake eggs benedict.


Oh wait! I forgot to mention. This was our view:

Cardiff by the Sea

Followed by some quality time at the beach and I don’t see how my Sunday could have been better.

I guess I could stop making stupid faces.

(But that’s not going to happen anytime soon.)

A quick shout out to my two hot dates for the day:

Extreme close-ups!

How was your weekend?

A Truce

The pup and I have called a truce. Mostly because I’ve been too busy sneezing and coughing my way through a summer cold. (It’s a thing).


Homemade chicken potato soup

I guess we can both thank our lucky stars for Zicam. Me-because it allows me to breath through my nose a few minutes a day. And Valentino-because it allows me to breath through my nose a few minutes a day and that makes me happy enough to forget my shoes for a little while.

And so he lives another day…. 😉


Thank God I Live Next Door to a Liquor Store

These shoes got me through Law School....

Let’s start with a rundown of the damage, shall we?

-Black Ferragamo Kitten Heels (aka the most useful, practical shoes ever). Destroyed.
-Silver Leather Kate Spade clutch. Destroyed.
-Chanel Lip Gloss. Inhaled.
-Pile of poop in corner of room. Yep.
-Smiling puppy. Oh Yes.

So my first few minutes home last night were not exactly awesome.

Thank God I live next door to a Liquor Store.

A quick visit to pick up some wine and a return to a favorite recipe (along with some leftover roast chicken from the other night) and this chica was feeling better.

Valentino? One of his best nights ever. Go figure.

"Yes I'm on the couch! What are you going to do about it???"

He’s such a dude.

P.S. If he’s going to chew something, why not my Old Navy flip flops? Ughhhhhhh.

Starting Fresh

Usually I’m less than enthusiastic about Mondays. Today? Not so much. It’s a beautiful, sunny day in San Diego and the last day of spring. Summer is finally here!!! (well…almost)

But most importantly, it’s a new week. Don’t get me wrong. Last week was amazing. I saw lots of friends who I hadn’t seen in quite a while. Went out. Enjoyed a few beers. And indulged. A lot. I’m looking at you .25 cent wing night…. So after eating out several times last week and drinking a little too much I’m ready to get this week started off right and tame that belly of mine a little 🙂

So to start, this morning I concocted a refreshing smoothie.


In the mix: strawberries, blueberries, almond milk, chia seeds and some chocolate flavored whey protein powder. It was sweet but not overly so. Just what I needed.

What’s your “go to” when you need to jumpstart your week?

Happy Father’s Day

I hope everyone had a lovely Father’s Day.

My Dad and Thor visiting in La Jolla last fall 🙂

Especially my Dad who has always lived up to his name Super Mario – love you lots and hope you had a great day 🙂

And to Papa Joe – I hope you had a great day, kept my mom in check and have enjoyed LOTS of wine during your latest California adventure.

Should we call you Cowboy Joe instead ??? 😉

Cheers to all the great dads out there 🙂

Can’t Get Enough

Is there anything better than grilled corn on a nice, summer evening? (Besides steak….)

Well, yes, in fact. This:

That would be grilled corn, zuchini and squash. I think I’ve eaten it this at either dinner or lunch for the past 7 days. I’ve had it with turkey burgers, chicken, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, fried eggs…. It’s so darn good! Prepared with a little olive oil, salt and LOTS of pepper. That’s it. So easy.

It goes with everything. Fact.

No Gloom Around These Parts

Today is Tuesday (Tuesday!) and my week is going pretty okay. Usually I’m pretty unhappy around these parts after a nice relaxing weekend and focused solely on counting down days until the weekend. But so far? Not too shabby.

Instead of this:

I’ve managed to keep it pretty even-keeled.

A quick aside – how uh-mazing has Real Housewives of New York been this season? I mentioned this the other day on facebook, but it’s worth re-stating – since when did Kelly become the voice of reason???

Anyway, I suppose the month of June has been quite lovely. I have a friend from law school in town tonight and have dinner plans to meet up (Daaaaaaaaaan!) and work has been pretty drama free. Bonus! I’ve also managed to get rid of 2 garbage bags of clothes to be donated. I’m feeling clutter free and fancy free 🙂

Plus, this weekend I managed to spend some time at the beach (despite some major June gloom) and look what we chanced upon!


Mussels! Alas, we did not take them home. But still…. kind of cool.

Also, I have discovered the most simple, easy, satisfying, 5-minute lunch EVAH. (Could I squeeze more adjectives in that sentence?)



Regular garden salad with cottage cheese. Delicious fix of veggies + protein in a cheap and fast fashion. (This took me 5 minutes to throw together in the morning. Please don’t tell me you don’t have time to pack a lunch in the morning) You should try this.

Tomorrow is Hump Day! Or as I like to refer to it – Wine Wednesday! Happy trails 🙂

How’s your week going?

Please don’t be intimidated by my exciting life…

I’m All For a Good Sale

For example:

Yep. Totally get.

But this?

WTF Borders?! WTF America?! Do we no longer value anything????

Seriously. Watch this video and tell me it’s not the most amazing thing you’ve ever watched.

That is all.

New Mini Food Processor

Of course I had to test it out. And what better way than guac?!



Okay, really, I happened to buy a mini food processor and Adam happened to buy 3 lbs. of carne asada at the Mexican market on Saturday. Coincidence? Perhaps. Did it make for a lovely Saturday evening? Absolutely.

Too bad Little Fockers (movie of choice for the night…I know) was so bad. Oh well 🙂